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Prashanth’s Blog
Write-ups by Prashanth about Life, Keto, LCHF, Diets, Lifestyle, Tech, Cycling and anything which he gets interested in!
Note from the editor

Prashanth had previously worked as Test Engineer & Release Manager until the entrepreneur bug bit him. Prashanth co-founded fashion E-commerce portal styletag.com and exited. Prashanth is also a well known Tech Blogger, early adopter, hacker & gadget freak. In the past Prashanth was part of organising well known tech events like Barcamp Bangalore, Hacknights, Gadgetize & tweet ups. Prashanth spends a lot of time in reading, both books (non-fiction) and news.

Go to the profile of Prashanth HN
Prashanth HN
Technology enthusiast, Gadget lover, Developer, Open-source supporter, Newbie Cyclist, Casual Gamer, Ideating all the time!